MREMA is excited to once again sponsor the Furniture Friends Virtual Slumber Party scheduled for Friday, March 15th. Furniture Friends is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides donated furniture to people in need throughout Greater Portland. With ongoing support from the community, Furniture Friends
As you know, Furniture Friends fills a unique niche in the community helping people who are struggling get or stay housed even though they may lack the financial resources to obtain necessary furniture for them and their family. In 2023, they set a new record of providing furniture to over 800 families helping them create their homes, improve their stability and live with some degree of comfort. Unfortunately, 2024 has started with another record of sorts and they have more than 300 households on our waiting list. MREMA is happy to be able to help support this important need for so many in our communities.
The Slumber Party is a great event that demonstrates that too many people are sleeping on the floor night-after-night here in Maine. Grab your coworkers, friends or family and create a team, and sign up to raise funds by sleeping on the floor – for just ONE night.
See attached document for more information on the Slumber Party and how you and your team can get involved or visit https://