President’s Award
Distinguished service award presented to “recipient” for unselfish dedication and truly outstanding service toward the fulfillment of the goals of the organization.
Distinguished service award presented to “recipient” for unselfish dedication and truly outstanding service toward the fulfillment of the goals of the organization.
This award is given only as exemplary individuals are identified as being worthy of the award. It is specifically for an industry professional who is a visible force in the industry through education, leadership, or support; selflessly contributes their time to the cause, which benefits humanity above and beyond the responsibilities and expectation of their career; and is a respected individual who personally and professionally serves as a role model for other aspiring persons within the industry.The recipients of the S.E.Simpson Award – the recipients are:
Hosted Tri-State Conferences, Annual Conferences, and Quarterly Trainings
Established Collaborative Relationships with Regulatory Agencies, Maine Real Estate Developers Association, National Center for Housing Management, and Managers
Provided Testimonies on legal/legislative issues affecting Property Management
Provided Opportunities for Member Networking, Peer Mentoring and Support
Supported Residents and Others through Commitment to Charitable Work
Advocated for Resident Service Coordination
Established Property Managers as Professionals
Promoted Industry Certification to demonstrate excellence in the industry